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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Clicking an Evernote Link in Outlook causes a Security Notice

I love Evernote. It has made me and my team extremely productive.  Especially now that we are using Evernote Business

We often email each other links to particular Notes. But in Outlook 2010 (and Outlook 2007) it is very annoying when you click on an Evernote hyperlink within the email as you will get this Microsoft Outlook Security Notice:

I began looking for a way to stop this.  I did find how you could disable the Security Notices altogether, but I just wanted to stop it for Evernote links.

I found part of my answer in a Microsoft Knowledgebase article:

In that article look for the section titled "How to enable or disable hyperlink warnings per protocol".

It says to look for a registry key called:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\xx.0\Common\Security\Trusted Protocols\All Applications

My Windows 7 machine running Office 2010 only had this:

So I had to create the rest by right-clicking each leg of the tree and adding a new key.  Note that on the last entry there is a colon after evernote.

Office\14.0\Common\Security\Trusted Protocols\All Applications\evernote:

Once these registry changes were made, it immediately began to work.  Now when I click an Evernote hyperlink in Outlook it opens Evernote to the correct note without that nagging message. 

As always, I'm hoping this will help someone else.